Our Programs
Inspiring and empowering youth to cook and enjoy plant-based meals since 2015.
Read about Youth Chef Academy's proven impact here.
Harley A, Lemke M, Brazauskas R, Carnegie NB, Bokowy L, Kingery L. Youth Chef Academy: pilot results from a plant-based culinary and nutrition literacy program for sixth and seventh graders. J Sch Health. 2018; 88: 893-902.

YCA was originally created for 7th & 8th graders, students who are just beginning to discover self-advocacy. Teaching students about health and nutrition, as well as providing them with the skills and weekly practice of cooking, empowers them to change the way they eat at home.
Learn more about our programs below.
Hey educators!
Interested in getting our programs in your classroom?
Check out our Educators Page & connect with us.
"I like so many parts of the program, but I guess the most important part for me was that it opened the kids’ minds and world. So many of the kids we teach have such limited opportunities. This was an enriching experience for them."
Phebe Smith, Teacher: Brown Street Academy

Over 8 weeks students learn basic cooking skills while they explore foods which help them grow and stay healthy. This fun, hands-on program teaches children to cook and eat 40 different types of vegetables, legumes and whole grains from 14 different cuisines.

"Trying new foods and different cuisines is really fun because you can find so many foods you never knew you liked and then you can share those foods with your family and friends."
Jax, YCAE student

FoodRight trains teachers to implement this program in their own classrooms. Over 6 weeks, our youngest student-chefs explore where food comes from, experiment with growing microgreens, learn about nutritious foods, & prepare simple & delicious plant-based dishes.

"This class taught me there are more choices of food than I ever imagined."
Emerald, student

Students prepare & eat simple dishes using vegetables that they planted, cared for, & harvested from their own class gardens. This year-long program has 5 cooking & gardening lessons per semester.

"Foods made with plants are actually really good. Before the class I didn’t really like plant foods especially vegetables, but now I know you can make them taste really good if you know how to cook them."
Darin, student

Fun and delicious culinary nutrition education classes designed to motivate and educate adults in our community to choose a healthy diet.
Interested in Worksite Wellness with FoodRight?
Contact Community Relations Manager Leslie lkrueger@foodright.org

"I never served vegetables to my family before taking this class, but now my family and I eat salad every week and we all really like it. So now we want to eat salad all of the time! For fun, we like to try adding new ingredients too."
Dionna, Cooks for Life student
Click through the Google Map of the communities and schools we serve.
(Shout out to our former intern, Estefania Gutierrez-Gupta, for creating our FoodRight Demographics Map.)